Date: 09/26/2016

Title: Board Work Session

The Tuckahoe School Board of Trustees Work Session was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Robert E. Grisnik, Chairman.

The following Board members and District officials were present:

Robert E. Grisnik, Chairman
Sean Hattrick, Vice-Chairman
Dr. Daniel Crough, Trustee

  Dr. Allan Gerstenlauer, Interim Superintendent
Arlette Sicari, Principal
Dr. Philip Kenter, School Business Official
Linda Springer, District Clerk

The following individuals were also present: 

Mitch Sobczyk Mary-Alice Halsey Doreen Buckley Justine Charos

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Approval of Minutes

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on September 12, 2016.

Approve:  Motion made by Daniel Crough, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

III. Correspondence

1. Dr. Gerstenlauer reported that he had received correspondence inviting Arlette Sicari to be a member of the Distinguished Educator’s Panel, to discuss educational issues, in January 2017.

IV. Superintendent’s Report

1. Dr. Gerstenlauer presented training on Child Abuse in the Educational Setting to the Board of Trustee members.

V. Principal’s Report

1. Mrs. Sicari updated the Board on the upcoming school events.


VI. Business Official’s Report

1. Dr. Kenter reviewed the Residency Report.

2. Mitch Sobczyk updated the Board of Trustees on the water testing results.

3. Dr. Kenter updated the Board on the T.A.N. (Tax Anticipation Note).

4. Dr. Kenter reported that the Financial Report Presentation will be at the October 11, 2016 Board Meeting.

V. New Business - None

VI. Old Business - None

VII. Public Commentary

Mary-Alice Halsey inquired as to the protocol with the vending machine in the Cafetorium.  Dr. Kenter reviewed the protocol and agreement with the vending machine company.

VIII. Resolutions (For Approval)

Approve:  Motion made by Daniel Crough, seconded by Sean Hattrick and unanimously carried; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees hereby approves the following resolutions numbered 1 through 8. 


1. WHEREAS, §30-2.9 of the Rules of the Board of Regents requires certification of lead evaluators for purposes of conducting evaluations of teachers in accordance with the requirements under §3012-c of the Education Law, respecting Annual Professional Performance Reviews; 
WHEREAS, the individual named below has successfully completed a training course that meets the requirements prescribed in §30-2.9(b) of the Rules of the Board of Regents;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tuckahoe Common School District certifies the following individual as a lead evaluator: 

Arlette Sicari, Principal
Doreen Buckley, Director of P.P.S.

2. WHEREAS, §30-2.9 of the Rules of the Board of Regents requires certification of lead evaluators for purposes of conducting evaluations of teachers and principals in accordance with the requirements under §3012-c of the Education Law, respecting Annual Professional Performance Reviews;  WHEREAS, the individual named below has successfully completed a training course that meets the requirements prescribed in §30-2.9(b) of the Rules of the Board of Regents;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tuckahoe Common School District certifies the following individual as a lead evaluator: 

Dr. Allan Gerstenlauer, Superintendent


3. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the appointment of Clarena Bernal as a school monitor and to serve as a language translator for meetings, as per the request of Administration, for the 2016/2017 school year at an hourly rate of $15.00, effective September 27, 2016.

4. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the appointment of Nancy Lee Daniels to serve as an overnight chaperone on an as needed basis for the 2016/2017 school year, effective September 19, 2016; rate of pay per the TTA contract.

5. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoint Kristen Quinn to the position of teacher of Special Education (.3 FTE) effective September 27, 2016 through June 30, 2017; rate of pay to be Step 7L ($24,796.39 prorated 9/27/16-6/30/17) and to additionally appoint Kristen Quinn as a Teacher Assistant (.7 FTE) effective September 27, 2016 through June 30, 2017; rate of pay to be $19,884.78 (prorated 9/27/16-6/30/17), the district to provide health and dental insurance coverage as per the TTA Contract.


6. WHEREAS, it is the plan of a number of public school districts in Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York to bid jointly on selected Food Service Commodities, Food and Food Service Supplies for the 2016/2017 school year.
WHEREAS, Tuckahoe Common School District is desirous of participating with other districts in Nassau/Suffolk Counties in the joint bidding of the commodities mentioned above as authorized by General Municipal Law, Section 119-0 and,
WHEREAS, Tuckahoe Common School District wishes to appoint a committee to assume the responsibility for drafting of specification, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, reporting the results to the Board of Trustees and Boards of Education and making recommendations thereon; therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, that Tuckahoe Common School District hereby appoints Long Island School Nutrition Directors Association Cooperative Bid Committee to represent it in all matters related above, and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tuckahoe Common School District’s Board of Trustees authorized the above mentioned committee to represent it in all matters leading up to the entering into a contract for the purchase of the above mentioned commodities, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Tuckahoe Common School District’s Board of Trustees agrees to assume its equitable share of the costs of the cooperative bidding, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Tuckahoe Common School District’s Board of Trustees agrees (1) to abide by majority decisions of the participating districts on quality standards; (2) that unless all bids are rejected, it will award contracts according to the recommendations of the committee; (3) that after award of the contract(s), it will conduct all negotiations with the successful bidder(s).

Building Use

7. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve the building use request of Matthew Doris, Tuckahoe Common School District Food Service Director, to hold a Wellness Conference in the Cafetorium from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on September 26, 2016.

CSE Recommendations

8. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve the following recommendations of the Committee on Preschool Special Education and the Committee on Special Education from the meetings held on September 15, 2016 and September 19, 2016.

#101810000  #120480087  #120480356 

XII. Resolutions – For Discussion Only


9. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint the following School Club Advisors and approves the following school clubs for the 2016/2017 school year; rate of pay $489.00, for an eight week cycle, one day per week for forty-five minutes per day:

Laurie Verdeschi – Grades 3-8 Computer Coding Club – Tuesday
Laurie Verdeschi – Grades 1-2 Junior Computer Coding Club – Wednesday
Tara O’Malley – Grades 3-5 Homework Club – Tuesday
Stephanie Neill – Grades 6-8 Homework Club – Tuesday
JoAnne Vitiello – Grades K-2 Zumba Kids – Tuesday
Megan Farrell – Grades 3-5 Homework Club – Wednesday
Justine Charos – Grades 6-8 Homework Club – Wednesday
Danielle Savino – Grades 3-5 Homework Club – Thursday
Kerry Terry – Grades 6-8 Homework Club – Thursday
Jean Dodici – Grade 2 Math Games – Tuesday
Lou Castellano – Grades 3-5 Karaoke Club – Tuesday
Michael Purcell – Grades 4-6 Soccer Club – Tuesday
Bonnie Downs – Grades 4-8 Pen Pal Club – Tuesday
Peter Falango – Grades 4-8 Chorus – Tuesday
Carmella Palumbo – Grades 5-8 Drama Club – Tuesday
Barbara Imperiale – Grades 4-8 Portfolio Project - Tuesday
Jean Dodici - Grade 2 Glee Singing Club – Wednesday
Dr. Sharyn Lawall – Grades 2-3 Mindfulness & Meditation Club – Wednesday
Lou Castellano – Grade 3 Game Club – Wednesday
Aimee Campbell – Grades 3-5 International Club – Wednesday
Peter Falango – Grades 4-8 pBone Club – Wednesday
Barbara Imperiale – Grades 6-8 Ceramics Club – Wednesday
JoAnne Vitiello – Grades 3-5 Zumba Kids – Wednesday
Aimee Campbell – Grades K-2 Game Club – Thursday
Kathleen Gray – Grades 1-2 Read Aloud & Art Club – Thursday
Jean Dodici – Grade 2 Go Noodle Club – Thursday
Allison Whittle – Grades 2-4 Soccer Club - Thursday
Laura Colfer – Grades 3-4 Healthy Eating Club –Thursday
Lou Castellano – Grades 3-4 Comedy Club – Thursday
Mary O’Donnell – Grades 3-5 Basic Gymnastics Tumbling – Thursday
Barbara Imperiale – Grades 3-6 Photography Club - Thursday

Field Trips

10. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the field trip request of Grade 4 to visit the Long Island Museum on October 25, 2016 for a Social Studies /ELA Curriculum lesson on Colonial Times from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at an approximate cost to the district of $705, the Long Island Museum to reimburse the district for one-half of total cost of transportation.

Building Use

11. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve the building use request of The Princeton Review to hold S.A.T. Prep classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. beginning on February 27, 2017 through June 8, 2017, excluding school recess periods.


12. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District adopted a Policy to Dispose of Surplus items, and;
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has designated the School Business Official as the person responsible to properly dispose of said obsolete items,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the inventory list, provided to the Board of Trustees, of obsolete items be declared surplus and disposed of at the discretion of the School Business Official.

X. Executive Session

At 8:04 p.m., Daniel Crough made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Personnel and Contractual Matters, seconded by Sean Hattrick and unanimously carried.

At 9:15 p.m., the Board came out of Executive Session and passed the following resolutions.

13. WHEREAS, on July 11, 2016, the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District approved an agreement between the District and Out East Therapy of New York to provide occupation, speech and physical therapy services on an as-needed basis; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees hereby terminates the agreement with Out East Therapy of New York, effective October 27, 2016, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the written agreement.

Approve:  Motion made by Daniel Crough, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

14. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves a wage increase for Lauri Lenahan, hourly Account Clerk for the 2016/2017 school year, effective September 27, 2016; at a rate of $21.00 per hour.

Approve:  Motion made by Daniel Crough, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

At 9:16 p.m., Sean Hattrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Daniel Crough, and unanimously carried.

Linda Springer, District Clerk