Date: 02/01/2016

Title: Budget Work Session

The Tuckahoe School Board of Trustee Budget Work Session was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Daniel Crough, Chairman.

The following Board members and District officials were present:

Dr. Daniel Crough, Chairman
Robert E. Grisnik, Vice-Chairman
Sean Hattrick, Trustee

Arlette Sicari, Acting Superintendent and Principal
Dr. Philip Kenter, School Business Official

The following individuals were also present: 

Mitch Sobczyk  Charles Dwyer  David Dileo  Catherine Tyler
I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Budget Presentations:

• Mitchell Sobczyk – Maintenance and Operation of Plant Budget

• Charles Dwyer & David Dileo – Technology Budget

• Arlette Sicari – Instructional Budget

• Dr. Philip Kenter – Administration and Transportation Budgets

III. Executive Session

At 9:26 p.m., Robert E. Grisnik made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Contractual & Personnel Matters, seconded by Sean Hattrick and unanimously carried.

At 10:19 p.m. the Board came out of Executive Session and passed the following resolution.

1. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints Arlette Sicari, Principal as also Acting Superintendent of Schools effective February 3, 2016 through February 8, 2016 to perform the duties of the positon of Superintendent of Schools during the absence of Dean T. Lucera, Superintendent of Schools; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Arlette Sicari shall continue in the position of Principal during the period of time she is assigned as Acting Superintendent of Schools.

Approve:  Motion made by Robert E. Grisnik, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

At 10:20 p.m., Daniel Crough made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Robert E. Grisnik, and was unanimously carried.

Linda Springer, District Clerk