Date: 04/11/2016

Title: Regular Board Meeting & Adoption of Budget

The Tuckahoe School Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Dr. Daniel Crough, Chairman.

The following Board members and District officials were present:

Dr. Daniel Crough, Chairman
Robert E. Grisnik, Vice-Chairman
Sean Hattrick, Trustee

Dr. Allan Gerstenlauer, Interim Superintendent
Arlette Sicari, Principal
Dr. Philip Kenter, School Business Official
Linda Springer, District Clerk
Katelyn Smith, District Treasurer

The following individuals were also present:

Mitch Sobczyk Mary-Alice Halsey Laura Rissone  Jenn Corwith  
Catherine Tyler David Dileo  Laurie Verdeschi Colleen Carter

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Approval of Minutes

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on March 7, 2016 and the Budget Work Session on March 21, 2016.

Approve:  Motion made by Robert E. Grisnik, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

III. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the Treasurer’s Report for the month of March 2016.

Approve:  Motion made by Robert E. Grisnik, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

IV. Correspondence

1. Correspondence was received from the Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association announcing their 57th Annual Dinner Meeting on May 26, 2016.

2. Correspondence was received from Southampton High School inviting the Board Members to participate in their Graduation Ceremony on June 24, 2016.

V. Superintendent’s Report

1. Enrollment Update:    
PK(F)-14, PK(D)-15, KS-25, 1M-22, 1OB-21, 2D-22, 2C-22, 3C-19, 3V-18, 4L-20,
4F-20, 5T-15, 5G-16, 6G-15, 6T-17, 7-44, 8-40 = 365
Southampton H.S.-138, Westhampton Beach H.S.-9, Southampton Elementary/Intermediate Schools – 4, Our Lady of the Hamptons-21, CDCH-4, Mercy H.S.-9, Ross School-1, Raynor Country Day School-10, Montessori-2, BOCES-3 = 201 for a grand total of 566 students.

2. Dr. Gerstenlauer presented an overview of the 2016/2017 proposed school district budget.  Discussion took place between the Board, Dr. Gerstenlauer and the public concerning the proposed five year tuition agreement with Southampton UFSD.

3. Dr. Gerstenlauer announced that Mrs. Sicari was awarded the Suffolk School Library Media Association (SSLMA) 2016 Administrator of the Year Award for the support, encouragement and inspiration for excellence in the Tuckahoe School. 

VI. Principal’s Report

1. Mrs. Sicari reported on the upcoming school events.

VII. Business Official’s Report

1. Mitch Sobcyzk reviewed the News & Notes regarding ongoing and completed work to date.

2. Dr. Kenter reported on residency updates for incoming and outgoing student files.

3. Dr. Kenter reported on the State Aid Increase and Tax Freeze Report.

4. Dr. Kenter reviewed information on the SunEdison proposal.

VIII. Policy Manual Updates

1. First Reading of the following policies:

• Policy 1120 – School District Records
• Policy 1120-R – School District Records Regulation
• Policy 4710 – Grading Systems
• Policy 5420-R – Student Health Services Regulation
• Policy 6900 – Disposal of District Property
• Policy 8630 – Computer Resources, Employee Use of Electronic Communications and Telecommunications Equipment and Data Management
• Policy 8630-R - Computer Resources, Employee Use of Electronic Communications and Telecommunications Equipment and Data Management

IX. New Business - None

X. Old Business - None

XI. P.T.O. Report

Jennifer Corwith reported on upcoming events for the P.T.O.

XII. Discussion - None

XIII. Resolutions (For Approval)

Approve:  Motion made by Robert E. Grisnik, seconded by Sean Hattrick and unanimously carried; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees hereby approves the following resolutions numbered 1 through 18. 


1. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees adopts the 2016/2017 proposed school district budget in the amount of $19,533,000 to be presented to the voters on May 17, 2016 and the New York State 2016 Property Tax Report Card.

2. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves Island Roof Tech to make repairs to the building roof at an approximate cost of $6,130.

3. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints Manorville Speech to provide school age students speech sessions for the 2015/2016 school year as per the proposed contract.


4. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the Board of Trustees meeting schedule for school year 2016/2017.



5. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees accepts with regret the retirement of Carol Hayward, teacher of Special Education, effective June 30, 2016.

6. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the appointment of Colleen Carter to the position of Teacher Assistant effective April 12, 2016 until no longer required; salary to be $30,877 (pro-rated) with individual health and dental benefits per the TTA contract.
7. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve Jessica Sanna as a Substitute Teacher for the 2015/2016 school year effective April 12, 2016 through June 30, 2016 at a rate of pay of $115 per diem.


8. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby appoint the following School Club Advisors and approves the following school clubs for the 2015/2016 school year; rate of pay $489.00, for an eight week cycle, one day per week for forty-five minutes per day:

Tara O’Malley – Grades 5 & 6 Homework Club – Tuesday & Thursday
Tara O’Malley – Grades 2 & 3 Poetry Club - Wednesday
Laurie Verdeschi – Grades 3-8 Computer Coding – Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Lou Castellano - Grade 2 Game Club – Tuesday
Lou Castellano – Grade 3 – Karaoke Club – Wednesday
Lou Castellano – Grades 3 & 4 Comedy Club – Thursday
Bonnie Downs – Grades 5-8 Skelton Creek Club – Wednesday
Carmella Palumbo – Grades 5-8 Drama Club – Tuesday & Wednesday
JoAnne Vitiello – Grades K & 1 Zumba Kids – Tuesday
JoAnne Vitiello – Grade 2 Zumba Kids – Wednesday
JoAnne Vitiello – Grades 3 & 4 Zumba Kids – Thursday
      Kathleen Gray – Grades K-2 Read Aloud & Art – Tuesday & Wednesday
      Kathleen Gray – Grades 4-6 Knitting - Thursday
      Tara Fleming – Grades 3-5 Sewing/Craft Club - Tuesday
      Jennifer Pascual – Grades 4-6 Cheerleading – Tuesday
      Jennifer Pascual – Grades 3-8 Newspaper Club – Wednesday
      Harmony Merriam – Grades 3 & 4 Homework Club – Wednesday
      Sharyn Lawall – Grades 2-4 Mindfulness & Meditation – Thursday
      Peter Falango – Grades 4-8 Chorus Club – Thursday
      Barbara Imperiale – Grades 4-8 Portfolio Project – Thursday
      Korey Tietjen – Grades 4-8 Portfolio Project – Thursday

Field Trips

9. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the students who participate in the Portfolio Project in Grades 4-8 to attend the NYSATA (New York State Art Teachers Association) Portfolio Project adjudication on April 15, 2016 from 1:55 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at an approximate cost to the district of $580.70.

10. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves Pre-K to visit the Children’s Museum of the East End on April 15, 2016 to explore the museum and attend a plant & seeds presentation from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at an approximate cost to the district of $600.32.

11. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the field trip request of the Tuckahoe Faculty to host a family field trip for families of students Pre-K to Grade 8 to the Central Park Zoo and Central Park Bike Tour for the purpose of community building on May 22, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at a cost to the district of $4500.00 to be paid by the participants on the field trip.

12. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the field trip request of the Tuckahoe Faculty to host a family field trip for families of students Pre-K to Grade 8 to The New York Hall of Science for the purpose of community building on April 9, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at a cost to the district of $1700.00 to be paid by the participants on the field trip.

13. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves Grade 3 to visit Sebonack Golf Course for an environmental exploration to support FOSS Science on May 23, 2016 with a rain date of May 24, 2016 from 8:45 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. at an approximate cost to the district of $305.63.

14. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves Grade 3 to visit Sebonack Golf Course for an environmental exploration to support FOSS Science on June 13, 2016 with a rain date of June 14, 2016 from 8:45 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. at an approximate cost to the district of $305.63.

Building Use

15. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the Tuckahoe P.T.O. to hold a Taste of Tuckahoe planning meeting on March 16, 2016 in a classroom from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

16. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the Southampton Racquet Club & Camp to utilize the parking lot beginning on June 27, 2016 through September 2, 2016, excluding weekends and July 4, 2016, to park up to twenty vehicles in accordance with the agreement dated March 23, 2016.

17. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approves the Tuckahoe Educational Foundation to hold a Cinco de Mayo celebration on May 6, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Cafetorium.



18. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board Chairman and Interim Superintendent of Schools are authorized to execute a Tuition Contract with Southampton Union Free School District for the education of Tuckahoe 9th through 12th grade students commencing the 2016-17 school year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the continuation of the Tuition Contract for the following four (4) years through the 2020-21 school year shall be contingent upon the adoption of a proposition by the qualified voters of the Tuckahoe Common School District at the May 17, 2016 annual election and budget vote, which shall read in substantially the following form:


To authorize the Board of Trustees to enter into a new tuition agreement with Southampton Union Free School District  for the 2016-17  through 2020-21 school years for the education of Tuckahoe Common School District 9th through 12th grade students; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the District Clerk is authorized and directed to take all necessary steps to publish this proposition in the District’s legal notice of the annual election and budget vote and to place the proposition on the ballot.

XIV. Executive Session

At 8:50 p.m., Robert E. Grisnik made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Contractual & Personnel Matters, seconded by Sean Hattrick and unanimously carried.

At 9:04 p.m., the Board came out of Executive Session.

At 9:05 p.m., Daniel Crough made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sean Hattrick, and unanimously carried.

Linda Springer, District Clerk