Date: 04/24/2017

Title: Board Work Session

I.   Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Approval of Minutes

RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on April 3, 2017 and the Budget Work Session & Budget Approval Meeting on April 10, 2017.

Approve:  Motion made by _______________, seconded by ________________.

IV. Correspondence

V.  New Business

VI.  Old Business

VII.      Public Commentary

VIII.  Resolutions – For Discussion Only


1. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoint Linda Springer, District Clerk, as the Chief Election Official for the Budget Vote and Trustee Election on May 16, 2017.

2. RESOLVED, in accordance with Education Law Section 2025, the Board of Trustees of the Tuckahoe Common School District hereby appoint Dr. Philip Kenter as Assistant District Clerk for the May 16, 2017 Budget Vote and Trustee Election.

3. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoint the following individuals as Election Inspectors for the Budget Vote and Trustee Election on May 16, 2017 at a rate of pay of $15.00 per hour.

Mary-Alice Halsey  Jenny Filingeri  Leith McLoughlin
Alicia Farnam   Fredricka Hughes


4. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoint the following individuals as Election Inspectors for the Budget Vote and Trustee Election on May 16, 2017.

Dr. Philip Kenter  Katelyn Smith


5. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees accept with regret the resignation of Aimee Campbell, Teacher Assistant, effective April 24, 2017.

6. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees approve the extension of childcare leave, as per Article XIII of the TTA contract, for Nicole Fischette from September 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018.


7. School Year 2017-2018, Resolution (A), Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program

WHEREAS, various educational and municipal corporations located within the State of New York desire to bid jointly for generally needed services and standardized supply and equipment items; and
WHEREAS, the Tuckahoe Common School District, an educational/municipal corporation (hereinafter the “Participant”) is desirous of selectively participating with other educational and/or municipal corporations in the State of New York in joint bidding in the areas mentioned above pursuant to General Municipal Law § 119-o and Education Law Section 1950; and
WHEREAS, the Participant is a municipality within the meaning of General Municipal Law § 119-n and is eligible to participate in the Board of Cooperative Educational Services, First Supervisory District of Suffolk County (hereinafter Eastern Suffolk BOCES) Joint Municipal Cooperative Bidding Program (hereinafter the “Program”) in the areas mentioned above; and
WHEREAS, the Participant acknowledges receipt of the Program description inclusive of Eastern Suffolk BOCES’ standard bid packet and the general conditions relating to said Program; and 
WHEREAS, with respect to all activities conducted by the Program, the Participant wishes to delegate to Eastern Suffolk BOCES the responsibility for drafting of bid specifications, advertising for bids, accepting and opening bids, tabulating bids, awarding the bids, and reporting the results to the Participant. 
BE IT RESOLVED that the Participant hereby appoints Eastern Suffolk BOCES to represent it and to act as the lead agent in all matters related to the Program as described above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant hereby authorizes Eastern Suffolk BOCES to place all legal advertisements for any required cooperative bidding in Newsday, which is designated as the official newspaper for the Program; and 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Participant Meeting shall be held annually consisting of a representative from each Program Participant.  Notice of the meeting shall be given to each representative at least five (5) days prior to such meeting; and  

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an Advisory Committee will be formed consisting of five to ten representatives of Program Participants for a term of three (3) years as authorized by General Municipal Law §119-o.2.j. 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Agreement with the Participant shall be for a term of one (1) year as authorized by General Municipal Law §119-o.2.j. 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Participant agrees to pay Eastern Suffolk BOCES an annual fee as determined annually by Eastern Suffolk BOCES to act as the lead agent for the Program. 

IX. Executive Session, if necessary.